The Donna Karan Company Sam Ash Quikship Corp. KingdomOfZeus


1) A506 - SL Electric Guitar String Set - 009
Pictures of  Alice A506-SL Electric Guitar String Pack - 009
Products Information :

Coated Steel
Steel Core
Nickel Alloy Wound

A506-SL inch mm
E-lst Coated Steel .009 0.23
B-2nd Coated Steel .011 0.28
G-3rd Coated Steel .016 0.41
D-4th Nickel Alloy Wound .024 0.61
A-5th Nickel Alloy Wound .032 0.81
E-6th Nickel Alloy Wound .042 1.07

2) A506 - L Electric Guitar String Set - 010
Pictures of  Alice A506-SL Electric Guitar String Pack - 009

Products Information :

Coated Steel
Steel Core
Nickel Alloy Wound

A506-L inch mm
E-lst Coated Steel .010 0.25
B-2nd Coated Steel .013 0.33
G-3rd Coated Steel .017 0.43
D-4th Nickel Alloy Wound .026 0.66
A-5th Nickel Alloy Wound .036 0.91
E-6th Nickel Alloy Wound .046 1.17

3) A206 - SL Acoustic Guitar String Set- 011
Pictures of  Alice A206-SL Acoustic String Pack - 011
Products Information

Stainless Steel
Steel Core
Coated Copper Alloy Wound

A206-SL inch mm
E-lst Stainless Steel .011 0.28
B-2dn Stainless Steel .015 0.38
G-3rd Coated Copper Alloy Wound .024 0.61
D-4th Coated Copper Alloy Wound .032 0.81
A-5th Coated Copper Alloy Wound .042 1.07
E-6th Coated Copper Alloy Wound .052 1.32

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Reasons why should you learn, play guitar....

* It is a good remedy for tensions, because you'll turn your focus on playing music rather than thinking of what you don't want, in-short, it helps you to relax,feel better and more peaceful, you'll be refreshed before you knew!

* Don't know what to do with your free time or you've jz retired? Learning guitar is a good solution, you can acquire a new skill, have fun and occupied your free time. The skill lasts forever and as long as you want to learn, it doesn't matter how old you are...

* Guitar is a very good tool for leisure ,as a hobby-income, it lasts for a life-time, jz like your property, if you know how to take good care of it, it also can make you some side income, when you know how to do it.

* Girl/Boy/Friends are busy? No one to hang-out with? Guitar is your solution, don't worry, it won't say will always be your companion and make you smile again, for sure!!

* Parents who plans for the best for their children, education? sports? make the most out of them, this is a good option too that you can take.

* Guitar lasts for countless of will always stays the same, but not for the songs your playing...

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